Photography services.
The right frozen moment moves at the speed of light.

We speak geek! We turn complexity into poetry. When your story requires someone to translate complicated concepts to non-technical audiences, or simply needs a team to prestidigitate a snappy solution, you’ve come to the right place. Science, technology, strategic business plans, or super-special bespoke artworks: we’re your go-to team.

People make stories matter. Whether we’re working on a project about science, technology, finance, or a private artistic commission, 1AU Global Media always remembers that human stories travel farthest.
Production realities change based on the story we’re telling. Our team has experience in extraordinary places, from rocket ranges to sophisticated sound stages to corporate offices and boardrooms.

Explanation is only the beginning. A good story needs to immerse those who experience it. Whether we tell yours with a video, a live event, a web page, or a custom work of multimedia sculpture, we’ll help you capture your audience.