You’re not going anywhere if your road simply goes around the same old block again and again. You don’t have to court bad days; they’ll find you anyway. But you can make great, good efforts at good days, and those efforts count. Stack the deck: you can help insure that your journey will add to your overall experience in a way that matters.

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Sound makes sights real. A movie with the sound turned off is not only inert, but slightly disturbing. Something substantial feels out of balance, and mere intellectual understanding of the problem does not satisfy our need to fix the context. The barest whisper of wind solidifies the clear air of Autumn, moving crispy, auburn leaves through space and into our senses.  Autumn colors tell us what’s happening; Autumn sounds saturate our senses.

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Here at the edge of the world creative souls still stir. With almost no time for anything but work and essential labors necessary to maintain life and limb,  literature and accomplished music and modern dance will not grow. It’s a simple statement and it’s true, just like tomato plants to not yield fruit in the desert.  But here and there, in nuanced ways, I see expressions of individual expression, of ways to remake the world.

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