I’m not opposed to modernity, or the soul of a new machine. I fully embrace the inevitable process where innovation forces new ways of working that are destined to replace older modes. My specific concern is that the embrace of AI’s siren promise for innovation seems uncaring about its implications while simultaneously acting as a transformational agent. 

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The trend toward “free” under-values the ability to create great music because musicians cannot support themselves simply on the merits of their ability to play. The pursuit of the ability to make great music, to extend the example, requires financial support in some appreciable measure, and when those payments fall beneath a certain threshold, excellence cannot easily develop

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Is there one form of creative expression that genuinely rises above all others? Are there creative enterprises that have greater value than others, or is everything equivalent to everything else? Does my poem outweigh your selfie, and honestly, who cares in the first place?

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TEARS IN RAIN -- Blade Runner 2049 and the Culture that Missed Something Special

The philosophical courage for artists to create requires cultures to have enough collective courage to support creators. The creative team of BR2049 helmed by director Denis Villeneuve created a fully realized world, created down to minute detail. They also created a vital, thrilling work of art.

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